Following my 16-fold synthesiser, here is the chord builder version of it (4/4) to make it easier to modulate between these new note combinations.
To make it work, type a fundamental frequency (leftmost box), and then select the root note for each chord of your progression (0-15), and the chord type you want to play in it. Below you will see some numbers appear (e.g. 0+3+8), these are the harmonic aggregates from the root selected (basically the notes of the chord), and in some chords, you can even add a fourth note (tick the box if applicable) to play larger chords, e.g. you can play Major7 chords.
To start playing the chord builder, press spacebar, this will also trigger the 'play' in Ableton Live. These should synchronise, but for some reason it doesn't work the very first time you try to fire it. When the plug-in is playing, you will see a green light on the left, make sure this green light is on at the same time the green light in the Ableton's 'play' icon is. After the first adjustment, these should work properly together when you press spacebar.
If you want to individually bring these chords one octave up or down, click in the box '–' and a menu will open were you can change the octave.
Note: If you change any chord settings when the plug-in is playing, you may glitch the device a little, and notes might get stuck playing indefinitely. To fix that, press the small button in the right down corner that says 'reset all sound'.
Download the plug-in here: